Products Overview

Moor Instruments specialises in microvascular assessments of blood flow and oxygenation.

For blood flow, we offer laser Doppler monitoring (moorVMS-LDF range) and laser Doppler imaging (moorLDI2) and laser speckle (moorFLPI2/ LASCA) techniques. For Oxygen assessments we offer white light spectroscopy (moorVMS-OXY) for superficial layers and near infra-red spectroscopy (moorVMS-NIRS) for deep tissue, together with a range of optical tcpO2 monitors. We also offer combined blood flow and oxygenation imaging in the form of moorO2Flo-2. Coupled with a range of systems to standardise routine stimulations (tissue heating, vasoactive drug delivery and pressure cuff control), and software to make measurements straightforward and intuitive, we can help with almost any application. Find out more about each product following the links below.